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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Hangover! Here’s what you shouldn’t do after drinking alcohol.

Hangover symptoms usually occur after the blood alcohol level drops. which is caused by the decomposition of acetaldehyde​ or alcohol in our liver. By the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase (Aldehyde dehydrogenase) until it becomes acetate. which is not toxic to the body. before being excreted through

No eat fruits and vegetables dangerous health.

Fruits and vegetables, although they are delicious and have enormous health benefits, But not everyone likes to eat. Many people don’t like to eat vegetables and fruits. Some people have never eaten vegetables or fruits at all. That is not considered hygienic and correct eating

Health Benefits of Apricots.

Apricot is a prune fruit that is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals such as carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium. It is also low in calories. Consuming apricots may therefore have many health benefits, such as helping to fight free radicals. Helps

Products to exfoliate each type of skin.

Exfoliating skin cells is a skin care step that should not be overlooked. Because in everyday life our skin is exposed to both PM2.5 pollution and various impurities. that causes blockage in the pores Which is the main cause of acne and dark circles that

Fashionable braces, a danger that comes with beauty

Fashionable braces: If we talk about orthodontics, many people are probably familiar with it. Some people may think that it is a fashion issue. Because it is very popular among teenagers. and advanced dental technology Makes orthodontic treatment easier can choose color Choose from a

Is acne injection good? Who is it suitable for?

Inflamed acne, elephant’s head, just one blemish becomes a big problem for many of you. People who have to worry every time big pimples come. What everyone wants is What can I do to make those pimples disappear quickly? It was large, red and red,

Cardamom, a spicy herb with medicinal properties

Cardamom is a spicy herb that may be better than just a cooking spice. Because according to ancient medicine it is said that it has properties that help treat many types of diseases. Both digestive problems such as constipation, colic, heartburn, inflammatory bowel disease, and are